Dernière actu pour les fans : SC appoints Justice Nath as ad hoc DERC chairman | Delhi News

derniere actu pour les fans sc appoints justice nath as ad hoc derc chairman delhi news

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L’article source dont il s’agit :

NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Friday selected Justice Jayant Nath, a retired judge of Delhi High Court, as the ad hoc chairperson of Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission after the AAP government made a U-turn and agreed with the lieutenant governor to leave the choice of interim head of the regulatory body to the apex court.

On July 20, LG V K Saxena and CM Arvind Kejriwal had reported to the SC about the stalemate over the choice of candidate for the DERC chairperson’s post despite the court asking both to stop bickering and attempt for a consensus on a name.
Senior advocate A M Singhvi informed a bench of Chief Justice DY Chandrachud and Justices J B Pardiwala and Manoj Misra that though Delhi government earlier had opposed LG’s suggestion for selection of interim chairperson by the SC, it would now agree with the LG’s stand.

After selecting Justice Nath, who as an advocate had represented the erstwhile Delhi Electricity Supply Undertaking (DESU) for several years in Delhi High Court, the bench accepted additional solicitor general Sanjay Jain’s suggestion that the monthly honorarium would be worked out by the LG and CM.
The post of DERC chairperson has been vacant since the retirement of Justice Shabihul Hasnain on January 9. Delhi government had proposed the name of Justice Rajeev Srivastava, a retired judge of Madhya Pradesh HC, but the LG stalled it for four months on the ground that Delhi HC Chief Justice was not consulted.
On May 19, hours before promulgation of the ‘services’ ordinance, the SC had clarified that consultation with the CJ of the HC from where the judge retired is to be done for appointment as DERC chairperson and directed the appointment to be done within two weeks. When the proposal remained in limbo, Justice Srivastava withdrew his consent for appointment.
Based on the May 19 ordinance, the Union government appointed Justice (retired) Umesh Kumar of Allahabad HC to the post on June 21. The same day, the Delhi government proposed the name of Justice (retired) Sangeet Lodha of Rajasthan HC for the post and the tug-of-war continued.

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Bibliographie :

Droit et pratique de l’instruction préparatoire : juge d’instruction, chambre d’instruction : 2007-2008,(la couverture) . Disponible à l’achat sur les plateformes Amazon, Fnac, Cultura ….

J’étais à sa merci,Ouvrage .

Quelle justice pour la France ?,(la couverture) .

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